The African-American Cultural & Genealogical Society was organized on August 31,1993, starting with 25 members from Decatur and Central Illinois.
Our members come from all areas of the community ~ pastors, teachers, utility employees, clerical workers, supervisors, senior citizens, sales and factory workers.
The need for an African-American Cultural & Genealogical Society (AACGS) is great. Statistics have shown that only 1% of Macon County African-Americans have researched their family history.
The African-American Cultural and Genealogical Society of Illinois, Inc. was established as a 501(c)(3) non- profit corporation in 1993. It started out with twenty-five members of Central Illinois. Since then it has been dedicated to:
*promoting and faciltiating an interest in research,
preservation and publishing African-American
genealogy and family histories.
*providing resources and education about Africans and African-American history of the Central Illinois community as a whole and African-American youth in particular
*enhance self-esteem and race relations through education,
cultural activities, fellowship and cultural events
*promotes and preserves the study of African-American
history. It fosters self-worth through cultural, artistic and
educational endeavors. We honor all cultures.
*to assist and support any genealogical library in (state) which is open to the public
African-American Cultural & Genealogical Society Of Illinois, Inc. Museum